Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Create virtual machines

 Now create the spoke workload and on-premises virtual machines, and place them in the appropriate subnets.

Create the workload virtual machine

Create a virtual machine in the spoke virtual network, running IIS, with no public IP address.

  1. From the Azure portal home page, select Create a resource.
  2. Under Popular, select Windows Server 2016 Datacenter.
  3. Enter these values for the virtual machine:
    • Resource group - Select FW-Hybrid-Test.
    • Virtual machine nameVM-Spoke-01.
    • Region - Same region that you're used previously.
    • User name: <type a user name>.
    • Password: <type a password>
  4. For Public inbound ports, select Allow selected ports, and then select HTTP (80), and RDP (3389)
  5. Select Next:Disks.
  6. Accept the defaults and select Next: Networking.
  7. Select VNet-Spoke for the virtual network and the subnet is SN-Workload.
  8. For Public IP, select None.
  9. Select Next:Management.
  10. For Boot diagnostics, Select Disable.
  11. Select Review+Create, review the settings on the summary page, and then select Create.

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