Friday, September 23, 2022

What's the difference among app.use,, in Owin? When to use what?

 When dealing with a request we use IApplicationBuilder. And we have four methods available to interact with a request:

  • Use
  • Run
  • Map
  • MapWhen

These are called Request Delegates.


Adds a middleware to the application pipeline and it can either pass the request to next delegate or it can end the request (short- circuit request pipeline). It is the most commonly used method to interact with middleware. 

More simple (app.use inserts a middleware into the pipeline which requires you to call the next middleware by calling next.Invoke()).

 Run: inserts a middleware without a next, so it just runs.


With you can map paths, which get evaluated at runtime, per request, to run certain middleware only if the request path matches the pattern you mapped.


Behaves almost the same as Map except that we can specify the detailed condition by using a HttpContext object. We could check for URL, headers, query strings, cookies, etc).

Thank you 

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