Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Server Error in IIS APPPOOL\DefaultAppPool

My self  face problem for hosting the web service from my local system .
So i finally decided to put this in my blog along with screen shots for easy understanding purpose.

Problem: The error as below:-

The reason why you are seeing this screen is .. When browser requests a page, request goes the IIS (Internet  Information Services). If  the request needs some data from the SQL server IIS tries to access the SQL server With this Access name which dont have credentials to access that particular database. To Resolve this you have to give the permissions for the user to that particular database as follows.


Start-Type-iis the below screen show -click on Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager.

when u click on Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager. the scr as below

Next scr when see option :-

Click on Application pool scn short as below 

If you see in the above scrn shot i am already short the error to change the ApplicationPoolIdentity to LocalSystem .

 How to change the 

ApplicationPoolIdentity to LocalSystem .

defaultAppPool click on advance setting  (on right hand side u able to see)

the scn as below


change the ApplicationPoolIdentity to LocalSystem (i am already done it ..........know problem solve)

Thank you to read my blog ......welcome to share you knowledge ..........See you soon.

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