Thursday, July 18, 2024

NU1101 Unable to find package Azure.Identity. No packages exist with this id in source(s): C:\Program Files\dotnet\library-packs, Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages test.Common C:\Users\NE18310\source\repos\APM0021023-mje\svc-mje-api\source\test.Common\test.csproj

 NU1101 Unable to find package Azure.Identity. No packages exist with this id in source(s): C:\Program Files\dotnet\library-packs, Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages test.Common C:\Users\NE18310\source\repos\APM0021023-mje\svc-mje-api\source\test.Common\test.csproj

if you get this error then how can you fix this in window 11.
Ans:- Probably, you need to add another valid package source for VS to find the specific packages.

Please click Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings > Package Sources > check if package source has been added. If it hasn’t been added, please click the “Add” button on top right corner > change the Name to and the Source to > click Update > click OK, then rebuild your project.

If it has been added, please try to remove other invalid package sources. Hope it will helpful to you.

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