Monday, August 22, 2022

HTTP Response Status Code list

List Of Most Commonly Shown Status Code.

100 : Continue
101 : Switching Protocol
102: Processing (WebDAV)
103 : Early Hints
200: OK 
201 : Created
202 : Accepted
203 : Non-Authoritative Information
204 : No Content
205 : Reset Content
206 : Partial Content
207 : Multi-Status (WebDAV)
208 : Already Reported (WebDAV)
226 : IM Used (HTTP Delta encoding)
300 : Multiple Choice
301 : Moved Permanently
302 : Found
303 : See Other
304 : Not Modified
305 : Use Proxy 
306 : unused
307 : Temporary Redirect
308 : Permanent Redirect
400 : Bad Request
401 : Unauthorized
402 : Payment Required .
403 : Forbidden
404 : Not Found
405 : Method Not Allowed
406 : Not Acceptable
407 : Proxy Authentication Required
408 : Request Timeout
409 : Conflict
410 : Gone
411 : Length Required
412 : Precondition Failed
413 : Payload Too Large
414 : URI Too Long
415 : Unsupported Media Type
416 : Range Not Satisfiable
417 : Expectation Failed
418 : I'm a teapot
421 : Misdirected Request
422 : Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV)
423 : Locked (WebDAV)
424 : Failed Dependency (WebDAV)
425 : Too Early 
426 : Upgrade Required
428 : Precondition Required
429 : Too Many Requests
431 : Request Header Fields Too Large
451 : Unavailable For Legal Reasons
500 : Internal Server Error
501 : Not Implemented
502 : Bad Gateway
503 : Service Unavailable
504 : Gateway Timeout
505 : HTTP Version Not Supported
506 : Variant Also Negotiates
507 : Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)
508 : Loop Detected (WebDAV)
510 : Not Extended
511 : Network Authentication Required

HTTP Response Status Codes Indicates Whether A Specific HTTP Request Has Been Successfully Completed

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Interview Preparation for .net

Here is a list of the most popular questions during interview.


1. Tell me about yourself and your current role and responsibilities and your achievements.

2. Current project and your role and responsibilities in this project or brief project description with technical details.

3. What is the worst production issue you have dealt with? And How to resolve conflicts within the team.

4. What are the software and tools you use for your work? And the Strength of your technical skill and why?

5.  About Agile, user stories, and pros and cons of Agile methodology.

.net and C#

1. OOP concept.

2. Remoting in .net.

3. Remoting in .net. many TCP protocol

4. Where the stack memory is preserved.

5. Where the heap memory is preserved.

6. How many stacks are available and what is the stack size

7. Abstract  Vs Interface

8. Different types of Access modifiers.

9. C# readonly and constant

10. Dependency injection in C#.

11.  What is garbage collection in C# and its generations?

12. While there is GC why IDisposable is required? Explain with a use case scenario.

13. Throw vs Throw Ex

14. ArrayList vs Generic List ---> difference and performance

15. Binary Serializer ---> How do you use this?

16. Serialization vs deserialization

17. How you serialize a class

18. Lock - Class Monitor concept in C# -- > which one is best for locking objects?

19. How do you identify and create object at the run time of a class in a namespace(Expecting Reflection)

20. Anonymous type in C#

21. Extension methods in C# (scenario-based question).

22. What is a generic collection and its types?

23. Difference between Array Vs Arraylist? Which is faster?

25. Finalize Vs Dispose.

26. SOLID Principles, how you applied in your project?

27. Kindly explain the Liskov substitution principle.

Ans. Click here

28.  DI - Dependency Injection vs Dependency Inversion.

29. Reflection - Activator -- >How to use reflection and create an instance.

30. What is the newest version of c# and explains a few new features?


1. What is scaling with Azure?

2. Can you explain Azure functions?

 3. Types of triggering in Azure functions.

4. Azure App Service vs Virtual machine

5. What is a Service bus in azure?

6. Queue vs Topic in Azure

7. Can you know Blob Storage in azure?

8. What is scaling in azure and its type?

9. How do you Handle Security in Azure?

11. Where do you store Key-Vault value in your application?

12. No SQL database experience

13. Diff between SQL and NO SQL databases


1. Microservice Architecture

2. What kind of strategy do you follow while developing Microservices

3. How do you do secure and Reliable communication between Microservices?

4. Microservices advantages

5. How to achieve distributed transactions in Microservices?

6. How to expose microservices to external (Internet)?

7. Best practice or pattern used for microservices communication

8. Exception handling in microservices

Design Pattern

(Implementation details for all the below patterns, when to use (scenario))

1. Mediator Library Pattern

2. Dynamic Dispatcher

3. Singleton Pattern

4. Difference between Factory and Abstract Factory Pattern

5. What is a Facade pattern example

 6. What is Decorator Pattern

7. Strategy Pattern Vs Factory Pattern

8. Mediator pattern

9. CQRS pattern

10. Adapter pattern.

10. What is choreography in Saga Pattern? why do we need this pattern?


1) What is a docker

Entity Framework and SQL

1. Entity Framework Connected vs Disconnected mode

2. Transactions types in entity framework

3. Concurrency in entity framework

4. LINQ AsNoTracking

5. Procedure vs functions

 6. Lock concept in SQL

7. Use of NOLOCK concept in SQL

 8. Procedure vs functions

 9. Can you handle transactions in Functions?

10. Clustered vs Non-Clustered Index

11. Transaction scopes in SQL server

12. SQL - SP vs UDF --> difference & transaction scope(SP-stored procedure, UDF-User define functions)

13. Views - indexing in views --> How you created an index for view and differences in table and view.

14. We have two databases with a few table names similar. How to generate a table without duplication of the table in both databases?

Web APIs

 1. Web APIs-where to host them and protect

2. Can we have 2 App Service plans for 2 different services

3. Action Filters in Web API

4. How do you implement Authentication in Controllers in Web API

5. How to validate a Token that is passed from the front end?

Asp .net core 

1. How do you implement logging in to .NET core middleware?

2. What is middleware

3. How to implement logging in .net core

4. Filters in core

5. What is the adv of .net core or MVC VS .Net core?

6. What's the difference among app.use,, in Owin? When to use what?

Ans :- Click here


1. What are Single Page Applications (SPA)?

2. What is data binding? Which type of data binding does Angular deploy?

3. What are the new updates with Angular? 

4. Explain the lifecycle hooks in Angular

5. What are decorators in Angular? 

6. What is an ngModule?

7. What are filters in Angular? Name a few of them.

8. What are Pipes in Angular and Type of Pipes? 

9. What are Pure Pipes? 

10. What are Impure Pipes?

11. What are Directives in Angular?

12. What is the difference between AOT and JIT? 

13. What are Services in Angular? 

14. What are Promises and Observables in Angular?

15. What is Eager and Lazy loading? 

16. How does an Angular application work?

17. Explain the concept of dependency injection.

19. How to use .map() functions in Angular.


 1) What are event-driven development and its advantages?

Best of luck