Friday, April 8, 2022

C# Coding Standards

 C# is a general-purpose, modern and object-oriented programming language pronounced as “C Sharp”. It was developed by Microsoft led by Anders Hejlsberg and his team within the .NET initiative and was approved by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) and International Standards Organization (ISO).

Below are some of the best practices which all the .Net Developers should follow: 

1. Class and Method names should always be in Pascal Case

public class Employee
    public Employee GetDetails()
    public double GetSalary()
2. Method argument and Local variables should always be in Camel Case .
public class Employee
    public void PrintDetails(int employeeId, String firstName)
        int totalSalary = 2000;
        // ...
Method argument( employeeId,firstName and totalSalary).
3. Avoid the use of underscore while naming identifiers.
// Correct
public DateTime fromDate;
public String firstName;

// Avoid
public DateTime from_Date;
public String first_Name;
4. Avoid the use of System data types and prefer using the Predefined data types.
// Correct
int employeeId;
string employeeName;
bool isActive;

// Avoid
Int32 employeeId;
String employeeName;
Boolean isActive;
Always prefix an interface with letter I.  
// Correct
public interface IEmployee
public interface IShape
public interface IAnimal

// Avoid
public interface Employee
public interface Shape
public interface Animal
6. For better code indentation and readability always align the curly braces vertically.  
// Correct
class Employee
    static void PrintDetails()

// Avoid
class Employee
    static void PrintDetails()
7. Always use the using keyword when working with disposable types. It automatically disposes the object when program flow leaves the scope.  
using(var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    // use the connection and the stream
    using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
8. Always declare the variables as close as possible to their use. 
// Correct
String firstName = "Shubham";

// Avoid
String firstName = "Shubham";

9. Always declare the properties as private so as to achieve Encapsulation and ensure data hiding.  

// Correct
private int employeeId { get; set; }

// Avoid
public int employeeId { get; set; }

10. Always separate the methods, different sections of program by one space.  

// Correct
class Employee
private int employeeId { get; set; }

public void PrintDetails()

// Avoid
class Employee

private int employeeId { get; set; }

public void PrintDetails()


11. Constants should always be declared in UPPER_CASE.  

// Correct
public const int MIN_AGE = 18;
public const int MAX_AGE = 60;

// Avoid
public const int Min_Age = 18;
public const int Max_Age = 60;

Happy Coding !!!!!!!!!!

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