Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Get the selected value in a dropdown using jQuery.

Dear All,

I am posting this blog because most of the people are stuck in code when we want data from dropdown. So I decided to post this blog.

so this is my dropdown:- 

 <select required="" name="AssignedTo" id="LanguageToInvo" onchange="" class="form-control">
                                            <option id="0" value="">--select---</option>
                                            <option id="1" value="En">English</option>
                                            <option id="2" value="Ar">Arabic</option>
                                            <option id="3" value="EnAr">English and Arabic</option>

How to get selected value or text from the same. Using Jquery we can get it easily.

If you want value:-

jQuery("#availability option:selected").val();

$("#availability option:selected").val();

If you want to text :-

jQuery("#availability option:selected").text();

$("#availability option:selected").text();

Thank you,

Hope it helps you.

Best regards,
Arjun walmiki

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