Monday, July 29, 2019

HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.

Dear All,

when you get "HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found" error on iis server when deploying.


How system administrators can troubleshoot an "HTTP 404 - File not found" error message on a server that is running IIS.

when you set project with the domain name and domain name is one of the causes of it.

The solution to it 

1)open cmd on the server. type  "nslookup" and that your domain name.

Problem is resolved.

Thank you,

Hope it helps you in your case.

Arjun Walmiki

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Get the selected value in a dropdown using jQuery.

Dear All,

I am posting this blog because most of the people are stuck in code when we want data from dropdown. So I decided to post this blog.

so this is my dropdown:- 

 <select required="" name="AssignedTo" id="LanguageToInvo" onchange="" class="form-control">
                                            <option id="0" value="">--select---</option>
                                            <option id="1" value="En">English</option>
                                            <option id="2" value="Ar">Arabic</option>
                                            <option id="3" value="EnAr">English and Arabic</option>

How to get selected value or text from the same. Using Jquery we can get it easily.

If you want value:-

jQuery("#availability option:selected").val();

$("#availability option:selected").val();

If you want to text :-

jQuery("#availability option:selected").text();

$("#availability option:selected").text();

Thank you,

Hope it helps you.

Best regards,
Arjun walmiki

How to call Partial view inside a view in Code

Dear All,

This post is useful to the beginner.

Today I will tell you how to call Partial view inside a view. This partial view will be work in MVC or core application.

This is syntax you have to write inside a view:-


Thank you,
Arjun Walmiki