Hi All ,
Today i will show you how ti create web project in visual studio 2005.
Tutorial 1:
The Visual Studio 2005 Web Application Project Model is a new web project option for Visual Studio 2005 that provides the same conceptual web project approach as VS 2003 (a project file based structure where all code in the project is compiled into a single assembly) but with all the new features of VS 2005 (refactoring, class diagrams, test development, generics, etc) and ASP.NET 2.0 (master pages, data controls, membership/login, role management, Web Parts, personalization, site navigation, themes, etc).
Tutorial 1: Building Your First Web Application Project
Creating a New Project
Opening and Editing the Page
Build and Run the Project
Looking under the covers
Customizing Project
Today i will show you how ti create web project in visual studio 2005.
Tutorial 1:
The Visual Studio 2005 Web Application Project Model is a new web project option for Visual Studio 2005 that provides the same conceptual web project approach as VS 2003 (a project file based structure where all code in the project is compiled into a single assembly) but with all the new features of VS 2005 (refactoring, class diagrams, test development, generics, etc) and ASP.NET 2.0 (master pages, data controls, membership/login, role management, Web Parts, personalization, site navigation, themes, etc).
Tutorial 1: Building Your First Web Application Project
The below tutorial walks-through how to create,
build and run your first web app using C# and the ASP.NET Web Application
Project support in VS 2005.
Creating a New Project
Select File->New Project within the Visual
Studio 2005 IDE. This will bring up the New Project dialog. Click on the
“Visual C#” node in the tree-view on the left hand side of the dialog box and
choose the "ASP.NET Web Application" icon:
Choose where you want the project to be created on disk (note that there is no longer a requirement for web projects to be created underneath the inetpub\wwwroot directory -- so you can store the project anywhere on your filesystem). Then name it and hit ok.
Visual Studio will then create and open a new web project within the solution explorer. By default it will have a single page (Default.aspx), an AssemblyInfo.cs file, as well as a web.config file. All project file-meta-data is stored within a MSBuild based project file.
Opening and Editing the Page
Double click on the Default.aspx page in the
solution explorer to open and edit the page. You can do this using either the
HTML source editor or the design-view. Add a "Hello world" header to
the page, along with a calendar server control and a label control (we'll use
these in a later tutorial):
Build and Run the Project
Hit F5 to build and run the project in debug
mode. By default, ASP.NET Web Application projects are configured to use the
built-in VS web-server (aka Cassini) when run. The default project templates
will run on a random port as a root site (for example:
You can end the debug session by closing the
browser window, or by choosing the Debug->Stop Debugging (Shift-F5) menu
Looking under the covers
When you compile/build ASP.NET Web Application
projects, all code-behind code, embedded resources, and standalone class files
are compiled into a single assembly that is built in the \bin sub-directory
underneath the project root (note: you can optionally change the location if
you want to - for example, to build it into a parent application directory).
If you choose the "Show All Files"
button in the solution explorer, you can see what the result of our compilation
output looks like:
This works exactly the same as with Visual
Studio 2003 ASP.NET Web Application Projects
Customizing Project
ASP.NET Web Application Projects share the same
configuration settings and behaviors as standard VS 2005 class library
projects. You access these configuration settings by right-clicking on the
project node within the Solution Explorer in VS 2005 and selecting the
"Properties" context-menu item. This will then bring up the project
properties configuration editor. You can use this to change the name of the
generated assembly, the build compilation settings of the project, its
references, its resource string values, code-signing settings, etc:
ASP.NET Web Application Projects also add a new
tab called "Web" to the project properties list. Developers use this
tab to configure how a web project is run and debugged. By default, ASP.NET Web
Application Projects are configured to launch and run using the built-in VS Web
Server (aka Cassini) on a random HTTP port on the machine.
This port number can be changed if this port is
already in use, or if you want to specifically test and run using a different
Alternatively, Visual Studio can connect and
debug IIS when running the web application. To use IIS instead, select the
"Use IIS Web Server" option and enter the url of the application to
launch, connect-to, and use when F5 or Control-F5 is selected:
Then configure the url to this application in
the above property page for the web project. When you hit F5 in the project,
Visual Studio will then launch a browser to that web application and
automatically attach a debugger to the web-server process to enable you to
debug it.
Note that ASP.NET Web Application Projects can
also create the IIS vroot and configure the application for you. To do this
click the "Create Virtual Directory" button.