Wednesday, March 31, 2021

SQL server: can't save/change table design

If  you need to change settings to save the changes from design then you have follow below steps.

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options.
  3. In the navigation pane of the Options window, click Designers.
  4. Select or clear the Prevent saving changes that require the table re-creation check box, and then click OK.

Uncheck the prevent saving changes that require table re-creation.

!Thank you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Back quote

 Alternatively known as acute, backtick, left quote, or an open quote, the back quote or backquote is a punctuation mark (`). It's on the same U.S. computer keyboard key as the tilde.


Where is the back quote key on the keyboard?

Below is an overview of a computer keyboard with the back quote key highlighted in blue.

How to create the ` symbol

Creating the ` symbol on a U.S. keyboard

To create a back quote using a U.S. keyboard, press the `, which is located directly below the Esc key. This key is also used for typing the tilde ( ~ ) character if the Shift key is held while it is pressed.

Creating the ` symbol on a smartphone or tablet

To create a back quote on a smartphone or tablet locate the single quote in the numbers (123) or symbols (sym) section, and tap and hold the ' symbol. As you continue to hold down on the ' symbol, a menu containing the back quote appears. Drag your finger up to the back quote and let go to insert the symbol.


Thank you.



Keyboard special characters


Keyboard special characters

Below is a list of special characters available on the typical U.S. keyboard, with links to their related pages.

` Acute, back quote, grave, grave accent, left quote, open quote, or a push.
! Exclamation mark, exclamation point, or bang.
@ Ampersat, arobase, asperand, at, or at symbol.
# Octothorpe, number, pound, sharp, or hash.
$ Dollar sign or generic currency.
% Percent.
^ Caret or circumflex.
& Ampersand, epershand, or and symbol.
* Asterisk, mathematical multiplication symbol, and sometimes referred to as star.
( Open or left parenthesis.
) Close or right parenthesis.
- Hyphen, minus, or dash.
_ Underscore.
+ Plus.
= Equal.
{ Open brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.
} Close brace, squiggly brackets, or curly bracket.
[ Open bracket.
] Closed bracket.
| Pipe, or, or vertical bar.
\ Backslash or reverse solidus.
/ Forward slash, solidus, virgule, whack, and mathematical division symbol.
: Colon.
; Semicolon.
" Quote, quotation mark, or inverted commas.
' Apostrophe or single quote.
< Less than or angle brackets.
> Greater than or angle brackets.
, Comma.
. Period, dot or full stop.
? Question mark.      




 Alternatively referred to as the squiggly or twiddle, the tilde is a character ( ~ ) on keyboards below the Esc (escape key). It is on the same key as the back quote that resembles a squiggly line. The graphic gives a representation of how the tilde character may appear when typed.


Where is the tilde key on the keyboard?

Below is an overview of a computer keyboard with the tilde key highlighted in blue.



How to create the ~ symbol

Creating the ~ symbol on a U.S. keyboard

To create the tilde symbol using a U.S. keyboard hold down Shift and press ~. This symbol is on the same key as back quote ( ` ), in the top-left portion of the keyboard under Esc.

Creating the ~ symbol on a smartphone or tablet

To create a tilde on a smartphone or tablet's on-screen keyboard, tap the numbers button (123), then the symbols button (#+=). Then, tap the tilde (~) button.


Thank you.


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Shortcut Key for Table Details in Sql Server Management Studio


Shortcut Key for Table Details in Sql Server Management Studio

If you select a table name in the query window of Sql Server Management Studio
and press ALT + F1 it will display the details of that table.

In the background shortcut key will execute sp_help on your behalf, so in this example it executes: sp_help users, which is much quicker than typing it.

I'm running Sql Server Management Studio 2018.

Thank you Hope it is help you.